Reader Question:

I go to a residential district college and there is a woman i prefer that goes indeed there nicely. The thing is she actually is usually walking. She’s never resting at a table so I can only remain together and talk.

The only way i will communicate with this lady is just expect the woman course to end and stroll together as she walks because of the lounge.

Exactly what can i actually do to make a move forward her without her thinking I’m a creep?

-Shane (Pennsylvania)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:

Dear Shane,

Particles in motion attract other particles in motion.

Obviously in case you are waiting at her class doorway anytime she exits, you are taken for a creeper. But if someone happens to run into her at random intervals, next get in stride and start talking.

Once you have created a relationship, ask the girl in order to meet for coffee sometime.

Having said that, if you find yourself having trouble developing a relationship as you look for this lady strolling faster as soon as you look, then you’ve a response my personal dear. Get a hold of another target – possibly person who is not moving.

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